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  • Wine Bar Tasting Experience in Dublin & VDP

    March 17, 2023 2 min read

    Wine Bar Tasting Experience in Dublin & VDP

    Decoding the Mystery of Three Golden Letters Found on Unique Wine Bottles!

    We're excited to announce that we have recently added two exclusive German wines from the esteemed wine producer Weingut Pfeffingen to our selection.

    The fantastic fresh, mineral yet fleshy 2021 Terra Rossa Riesling and the juicy and layered 2018 Spatburgunder.

    Join us for a free wine bar tasting experience - the W Experiential Tasting Bar - and explore these 2 exceptional wines that have been imported directly and exclusively to our store. Experience the unique flavors and aromas that the German terroir has to offer, right here in Ireland.

    Our knowledgeable staff will guide you through our selection and help you discover new wines that you'll love. Don't miss this opportunity to savor these exceptional German wines and experience a memorable wine bar tasting experience at our shop in Dublin. 

    But, look closer....Have you noticed the three golden letters "VDP" on the neck of the wine bottle?

    Are you curious to know what they mean? Whelehans Wines is here to help! Let us explain the significance of this abbreviation and how it relates to the quality and classification of the wine inside the bottle.

    VDP stands for "Verband Deutscher Prädikatsweingüter," which is a German association of top-quality wine producers. VDP is also referred to as the "Association of German Prädikat Wine Estates."

    The VDP members produce wines from some of the best vineyard sites in Germany and adhere to strict quality standards in their winemaking process. The VDP's wine classification system is based on the ripeness of grapes at harvest, which is indicated by Prädikats, a traditional German classification of wines. The highest level of Prädikats is "Trockenbeerenauslese," indicating a wine made from individually selected, fully ripened grapes that have been affected by noble rot. 

    The VDP also has strict regulations for vineyard management and grape production, with the goal of producing high-quality, terroir-driven wines. Overall, VDP wines are highly regarded for their quality and are sought after by wine lovers and collectors around the world.

    Amongst an exciting line-up curated by Shane, the 2 outstanding German new additions will be featured on Saturday 18th of March at the W Experiential Tasting Bar, so be sure to join us for an unforgettable tasting experience! 

    Available in our store in Dublin, we are looking forward to welcoming you! 

    Whelehans Wines, Great Wines, Great Taste...Always!
